12 Things I Wish I Knew Before Sculptra

1) What is Sculptra Used For?

Sculptra is a unique option of injections used for adding / restoring volume to the face. This bio-stimulator works by forcing your body to create collagen in the treated areas. The main active ingredient in Sculptra is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which is a biocompatible synthetic substance that helps stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen. (Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin, and its production decreases with age, leading to the appearance of wrinkles, folds, and volume loss.) When Sculptra is injected into the skin, it works gradually over time to stimulate collagen production, resulting in a more youthful and volumized appearance. A sculptra treatment usually includes the entire face (with the exception of lips, under-eyes, and noses) as opposed to other volume-injections that target very specific areas (for example, just the lips.) Because the entire face is being treated, results are usually very natural looking. An added benefit of Sculptra is that the results are also long lasting. Studies show that Sculptra patients are satisfied with their results for 2+ years.

From real life Sculptra patients:

“After I’d lost a lot of weight from Semaglutide, my cheeks were sunken and I felt old and haggard despite feeling so much better about my body. Thanks to Sculptra and my injector, my face now looks healthy and youthful, and I feel like I’m finally owning the best version of myself.” -Lisa, Philadelphia, PA

“I had Sculptra treatments to help balance my upper face with my lower face, it was placed throughout my temples and cheeks, and now my face looks and feels completely smooth and natural. It has given me a more youthful look, and as a bonus my skin seems to be extra glowy too. -Caroline, Merion, PA

I am a 53 year old male and was diagnosed with HIV many years ago after a 1983 blood transfusion. I have continued to remain very healthy, but the many years of medications had caused my face to become very sunken in the cheek area, which is common with HIV infection. My goal was not to look younger but to look healthy and I could not be more pleased with the results! -Brooks, Collingswood, NJ

2) Choosing a Provider

Unlike dermal-fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane, Sculptra injections are irreversible. Choosing a skilled provider is extremely important to insure a safe, flattering outcome.

Here are our recommended factors to consider:

  1. Qualifications and Experience: Look for a provider who is a licensed healthcare professional with specific training and experience in administering injectable treatments. They should have a thorough understanding of facial anatomy and aesthetic techniques.
  2. Bedside Manner: Trust your gut. Does your possible-provider seem confident and comfortable answering your questions? Does the logic used for recommending this treatment make sense to you? If you sense any red flags, move on until you find someone you can trust and vibe with.
  3. Certifications: Check if the provider is certified by relevant professional organizations or boards.
  4. Reputation and Reviews: Research the providers reputation by reading reviews from previous patients. Look for feedback on their skill, professionalism, and patient satisfaction.
  5. Before and After Photos: Ask to see before and after photos of patients who have undergone similar treatments with the provider. This can give you an idea of their aesthetic style and the quality of their work.

From real life Sculptra patients:

Sculptra is only as good as the skill-level and experience of the person injecting you. If your injector rarely uses Sculptra or is a beginner, run! This is not a treatment to be someone’s experiment with. -Danielle, Philadelphia PA

Your injector must have an artistic approach to the face and inject intentionally. This can be a disaster in the wrong hands, but in the right hands it is a game-changer. -January, Philadelphia PA

3) The Consultation

If you are considering Sculptra, or just curious about ways to rejuvenate your face in general, a consultation with a qualified medical professional is a MUST. During a consultation with one of the experts at About Face in Philadelphia, you should expect:

  • Personalized Assessment: Your provider will evaluate your facial structure, skin quality, and areas of concern to determine if Sculptra (or even a combination of treatments) is suitable for you. No aesthetic treatment should ever feel like it is “cookie cutter” and everything should be tailored to YOU.
  • Discussion of Your Goals: This is the time for you to be completely honesy and vulnerable by discussing your desired concerns, outcomes, and what you hope to achieve with Sculptra injections. This will help the provider tailor the treatment plan to your specific needs.
  • Your Medical History: You should be asked about your medical history, including any allergies, previous treatments, medications, and past cosmetic procedures.
  • Explanation of Sculptra Treatment: The provider will explain how Sculptra works; the injection process, potential side effects, and what to expect during and after treatment.
  • Your Recommended Treatment Plan: Based on your goals and assessment, the provider will recommend a treatment plan, including the number of sessions needed, the amount of Sculptra required, and the appropriate timing for everything.
  • Investment: You will receive information about the cost of Sculptra treatment and any financing options available. (About Face Aesthetics offers Care Credit and Cherry for customizable financing.)
  • Preparation and Aftercare: You will be provided with instructions on how to prepare for your Sculptra injections and how to care for your skin afterward to optimize results and minimize potential side effects and/or downtime.
  • Questions and Concerns: This is your opportunity to ask any questions or express any concerns you have about the procedure, recovery, or expected outcomes. Please feel free to voice any question; we have heard it all and nothing seems silly — our job is to make sure you feel confident and comfortable moving forward with the recommended Sculptra gameplan.

The injector allowed me to talk to a team-member that had been treated with Sculptra by her. She went so far as to allow me to feel what the Sculptra would feel like, and I really appreciated the first-hand feedback. -Sarah, Chestnut Hill PA

Research, research, research! If don’t do something today, you can always do it tomorrow. However, if you do it in a hurry or have doubts about the provider, you can’t always undo it. At About Face I felt confident that I was in good hands, and my results reflect that. -Elena, Bryn Mawr PA

4) Getting Sculptra Treatment

It’s treatment day, hurray!

On the day of your Sculptra treatment, your About Face provider will always take “before” photos of all angles to document your baseline. You will then be marked out with a marking pen and be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized with a medical-grade soap. The provider will then use a needle, cannula or both to inject the Sculptra into the facial areas discussed. I had anesthetic cream applied to my face before the injections. I really didn’t feel pain. It was more a matter of the eerie feeling of having needles stuck into your face and the sound they make. More nerves than pain. Also, the actual injections contain a numbing agent so your face gets numb (like at the dentist — same feeling). –HKKitty

5) Pain, Swelling & Bruising

It hurt. I’ve had Botox, Ultra Light Therapy, Microdermabrasion, and three root canals with crowns, and this hurt the most! But next time, I’ll insist on a Lortab before the treatment, if my doctor will do it. I will see. If not, I’ll still endure it. –Susan7206

The shots to numb my face were the most painful, although tolerable. Initially my right eye swelled up and I couldn’t open it. This turned out to be from all the fluid (both numbing solution and Sculptra) and lasted less than a minute. –shotgun

The bruising is like Russian roulette. One of my eyes was black and blue for a month the first time but the other times I was okay. –Randall651

6) How to Reduce Recovery Time

To reduce recovery time complications and promote faster healing. This includes avoiding
blood-thinning medications and supplements as well as alcohol 1 week prior to your procedure.
Choosing a skilled and experienced healthcare provider who employs precise injection
techniques can help minimize trauma to the skin and reduce the risk of bruising, swelling, and
other side effects. After treatment you will be asked to avoid working out for 24 hours which
could also lead to more swelling and bruising and lastly using Arnica montana which is a natural
remedy that may help reduce bruising and swelling associated with injectable treatments. Some
providers recommend taking arnica supplements or using arnica-based topical creams before and
after the procedure to aid in recovery.

After your treatment your provider will educate you on the massaging that needs to be done after to ensure best results. This massaging goes by the
rule of 5’s-5 times a day for 5 minutes for 5 days. The best product to use for massaging is
Alastin Regenerative Skin Nectar which enhances the results of aesthetic procedures. It
contains a proprietary blend of peptides, antioxidants, and ingredients that help promote
collagen and elastin production, reduce inflammation, and improve the overall appearance
of the skin.

I’ve had Sculptra injected five times now over a period of five years. I’ve learned a thing or two about minimizing bruising:

  • Eliminate blood thinners: aspirin, red wine/alcohol, Vitamin E, fish oil and ginkgo. Google your supplements for blood thinning action if you are unsure.
  • Use Sinecch (oral Arnica) before the procedure and during recovery.
  • Have the Sculptra injections separate from other procedures. The? first three times I had Sculptra injections I had them simultaneously with Thermage, which heated my dermis and made the bruising ghastly.
  • Ice before the procedure to shrink blood vessels and reduce the risk of needle nicking and resultant bleeding.
  • Alternate massage with Vitamin K cream and Arnica cream. Ice in between massaging. I massage vigorously without regard to bruising and have responded well to every treatment.
  • While still bruised, I use Jane Iredale loose powder dabbed on the dark spots to camouflage.


7) Downtime

You can expect swelling immediately post injection and possible bruising however there is
no true downtime to this procedure. Sculptra typically involves minimal downtime, but it's
essential to understand what to expect after the procedure:
1. Immediate Effects: After the injections, you may experience some swelling, redness,
and bruising at the injection sites. These effects are temporary and usually subside
within a few days.
2. Massaging: Your healthcare provider may instruct you to massage the treated areas
for several days following the procedure. Massaging helps distribute the product
evenly and minimizes the risk of lumps or nodules forming.
3. Resume Normal Activities: You can usually resume your regular activities
immediately after the procedure. However, it's advisable to avoid strenuous exercise
and activities that may increase blood flow to the face for the first 24 to 48 hours.I had no downtime with my procedure. I scheduled all three treatments on Thursday afternoons and then worked from home on Friday. By Monday morning, swelling was gone with very little bruising left. –Florida9571

I did not have any bruising or swelling at the injection sites. I re-applied my makeup and returned to the office right after my visit. Nobody noticed a thing. –shotgun

NEVER do any procedure before a big event. That’s just common sense. –HKKitty

8) Side Effects & Risks

The most common side effects of any injectables include temporary swelling, redness,
bruising, tenderness, itching, or discomfort at the injection sites. These effects typically
resolve within a few days to a week. Directly related to sculptra the risk would be
Granulomas. Granulomas are small, inflammatory nodules that can develop in response
to foreign substances such as Sculptra. While rare, they can occur months to years after
treatment. Granulomas may require treatment with corticosteroids or, in severe cases,
surgical removal.I hate the side effects of Sculptra. I had injections done under both eyes, first in November 2007 and again in January 2008. After the first injection, I developed a pea-sized lump under my left eye. My dermatologist told me it would go away. I had the second injection performed and now have large lumps under my left eye and a medium lump under my right eye. By the way, I was extremely diligent in massaging the injection sites. I followed the aftercare instructions and I still had horrible side effects!? –Sandchic

This is an implant; it’s not like other fillers. The truth is that granulomas form and oftentimes they can be seen. While the benefits only last two years, the granulomas are forever unless you excise them. This is not easy to do without causing more damage. –kooie

Yes, Sculptra has risks and benefits just like ANY cosmetic procedure/implant that you can receive. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people in medicine and it is not necessarily due to bad product or bad doctors. The important thing to remember is that a great provider will stand by you and continue to assist you if you are one of the unfortunate that has an unexpected result. –paulcinatl

9) How to Avoid Lumps


The key, according to my research: an experienced injector, massage, dilution of the product, and facial placement. Sculptra should not be used in shallow muscular areas. The eyes are a no-no area. –Susan7206

My injector was very good. She really emphasized the massaging. She said it’s VERY VERY VERY important. I noticed a little lump on my left temple but when I got home I sat in front of the mirror and gave the areas a good massage, paying close attention to the lump. I massaged it until I felt it looked smooth. –daisy78


10) When Will I See Results?

With Sculptra, results are not immediate but rather progressive over time. A general
1. Immediate Effects: After the injection, you may notice some immediate volumizing
effects due to the saline used to dilute the Sculptra solution and the physical
presence of the product. However, these initial results are temporary and will
diminish as the swelling subsides.
2. Initial Improvement: Over the first few days to weeks following the procedure, you
may notice some improvement in the treated areas as any swelling and bruising
3. Collagen Production: The primary mechanism of action for Sculptra is to stimulate
collagen production in the skin. Collagen synthesis typically begins around 4 to 6
weeks after treatment and continues for several months.
4. Gradual Enhancement: As collagen production increases, you'll notice a gradual
improvement in skin texture, volume, and overall appearance. This enhancement
occurs over the course of several weeks to months.
5. Optimal Results: The full benefits of Sculptra treatment are usually evident around
2 to 3 months after the final treatment session. At this point, you'll likely see
significant improvement in volume loss, wrinkles, and skin laxity.
6. Long-Term Maintenance: Results from Sculptra can last up to two years or more,
depending on factors such as your age, skin condition, lifestyle, and the number of
treatment sessions you undergo. Some individuals may benefit from occasional
touch-up treatments to maintain their desired results.

My injector told me it’d take at least six weeks to start noticing any difference. I actually had four treatments altogether over a period of about 5-6 months. After the first treatment you wouldn’t have known I had anything done apart from the initial swelling, which I was warned about. A year after completing my treatment I couldn’t be happier. I get compliments all the time about how young I look. –Jules32

It take time to rebuild your face with Sculptra. However, slow and steady is much easier to control. Better to do several treatments so you can see how things progress. –HKKitty

12) Was It Worth It?

I have been getting these injections in my face and around my eyes since 2001 and the results are nothing short of amazing. It is not instant, or permanent, or cheap for that matter, but if your injector REALLY knows what they are doing with it you will fall in love. –Keith

My results have lasted almost two years and it’s time to go back. A good facelift is quite a bit better and lasts much longer and ends up being cheaper, if you have enough hair to cover the scars… which I do not. –Randall651

I have been doing Sculptra for the past five or six years. The results are subtle, so it does require more than one treatment to see any result. My initial investment was $2,000 and the upkeep is about $600 per year. Definitely worth the upkeep. –bionicwoman

The post 12 Things I Wish I Knew Before Sculptra appeared first on About Face Aesthetics.

source https://aboutfaceskincare.com/12-things-i-wish-i-knew-before-sculptra/

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